Oil Paint for Wood


Oil Paint dries slowly, and stays flexible. This allows it to expand and contract with wood. This recipe is for bare, unfinished wood and begins with a priming coat.

Oil Paint Primer


  • 1 part Boiled Linseed Oil
  • 1 part citrus solventor turpentine

Mix together thoroughly. (1 cup each of solvent and oil will cover approximately 30-40 sq feet depending upon how much oil is absorbed by the wood.) Paint on and allow it to soak in for 10 minutes. Use a lint-free cloth to wipe off any excess. Let the primer coat stand overnight before applying the first coat of paint. Back to Top

Oil Paint


  • 2 parts Boiled Linseed Oil
  • 1 part citrus solvent or turpentine
  • Pigment in a starting ratio of 6 tablespoons to each cup of oil. (This will depend upon which pigment is used as they will absorb oil differently)

Create a paste by pouring a small amount of Boiled Linseed Oil into the pigment and blending until smooth. Slowly add the rest of the oil, then the solvent. This paint must be stirred constantly during use to keep the pigment dispersed. Your first coat of paint must be thin to avoid a skinning over that would prevent the paint from drying properly. Each subsequent coat should be applied after two or more days. Always work, and allow paint to dry, in a well-ventilated area.